Educational institution |
Квалификация |
Expiration date |
КазЖенПИ |
Высшее |
1993 |
Name of the scientific degree |
Branch of science |
Graduation Date |
Кандидат |
06/05/2006 |
File name |
Headline |
Description |
Concepts and theories of inclusive education |
Pedagogy of Physical Education and Sport |
ПЕД.ФИС СИЛЛАБУС рус на 2022-2023 уч год |
Theoretical and methodological basis of humane pedagogy |
Training in Education |
тренинги для студ. мет. |
Agepedagogy and psychology |
мед. рек. ВПиП |
Pedagogy of Physical Education and Sport |
Pedagogy of Higher Education |
ЖМП емт.тап.формасы |
Technology of criterial estimation |
Таным процесінің барысы |
Methodology of teaching pedagogy |
МПП Рубрикатор ПИП |
Agepedagogy and psychology |
ВПиП Рубрикатор ПИП |
Methodology of teaching psychology |
Technology of criterial estimation |
оқудың 101 техникасы |
Inclusive Education |
экз. содер. по курсу инкл.обр. |
Technology of criterial estimation |
оқыту мен оқудың белсенді әдістері_Дадли |
Technology of criterial estimation |
Кітап Интербелсенді әдістер АСХАТ ӘЛІМОВ |
Technology of criterial estimation |
Секреты педагогического мастерства |
Inclusive Education |
Методические рекомендации по сем |
Pedagogy of Higher Education |
ЖМП емтихан сурактары Н.Д.А. |
Pedagogy of Higher Education |
ЖМП. Силлабус Н.Д.А. 2023 |
Pedagogy of Higher Education |
Практикалық сабақ семинар әдістемелік нұсқау ЖМП |
Pedagogy of Higher Education |
ЖМП. Силлабус Н.Д.А. 2023 |
Concepts and theories of inclusive education |
Technology of criterial estimation |
сұрақтар қою |
Inclusive Education |
учебное пособие |
Inclusive Education |
Инклюзивті білім беру пәнінен силлабус 21-22 |
Inclusive Education |
Силлабус по Инклюзобраз 2021 |
Inclusive Education |
inklyuzivnoe_obrazovanie_-_elektronnye_izdaniya_v_otkrytom_dostupe |
Inclusive Education |
методические рекомендации |
Inclusive Education |
Методические рекомендации по сем СПМ 17 (2) |
Inclusive Education |
методические рекомендации |
Inclusive Education |
Методические рекомендации по срсп СПМ 17 (1) |
Pedagogy of Higher Education |
Практикалық сабақ семинар әдістемелік нұсқау ЖМП 2022 АБА |
Pedagogy of Higher Education |
ПВШ Andreev.V.I..Pedagogika._мед.рек. |
Pedagogy of Higher education |
ЖМП. Силл. Тарих. Н.Д.А 2023-24 |
Methodology of teaching psychology |
«Мет. преп. псих. КАРТА УМК |
Methodology of teaching psychology |
Methodology of teaching psychology |
Inclusive Education |
Инклюзивті білім беру пәнінен семинар. маз. |
Inclusive Education |
правила оценки особых образовательнх потребностией |
Inclusive Education |
Методические рекомендации по сем. |
Methodology of teaching psychology |
Training in Education |
Мет.реком. провед. тренингов |
Training in Education |
Доп.мат. лекции ТБ |
Training in Education |
Мет. реком. СРС |
Training in Education |
И.А.Талышева. Учебник |
Training in Education |
сем. сабағының әдіс. нұсқаулық |
Ethnopedagogics |
Этнопед. дәріс |
Pedagogy of Higher education |
Пр. семинар сабағы. ЖМП 2023-24 1 |
Inclusive Education |
Инклюзивті білім беру пәнінің қорытынды емтихан бағдарламасы |
Inclusive Education |
Методические реком. срс по инклю.обр. |
Inclusive Education |
Семинар сабағы - Инклюзивті білім беру 2021-2022 |
Inclusive Education |
Методические рекомендации по срсп |
Inclusive Education |
Методические рекомендации по срсп СПМ 17 (1) |
Inclusive Education |
Инклюзивті білім беру пәнінен силлабус 21-22 |
Inclusive Education |
Методические рекомендации по сем |
Inclusive Education |
кр.содерж. лек. по курс инклю.обр. |
Inclusive Education |
Инклюз. обр. Учебно-мет. карта |
Pedagogy of Physical Education and Sport |
кр.курс.лекц. |
Inclusive Education |
Инклюзивті білім беру пәнінің қорытынды емтихан бағдарламасы |
Methodology of teaching psychology |
Силлабус по дисциплине Методика преподавания психологии-1 |
Methodology of teaching psychology |
Methodology of teaching psychology |
Agepedagogy and psychology |
Гамезо В.М. Учебник |
Agepedagogy and psychology |
ВПиП СИЛЛ. НДА. 2022-23 |
Methodology of teaching psychology |
Методические рекомендации по срс МПП |
Concepts and theories of inclusive education |
Osnovy_inklyuzivnogo_obrazovaniya_2019_Tebenova |
Concepts and theories of inclusive education |
Methodology of teaching psychology |
экз. вопросы по курсу МПП |
Ethnopedagogics |
ЭТНОПЕД. емт.бағд. НДА |
Methodology of teaching psychology |
Methodology of teaching psychology |
. Искакова М.С. Методика преподавания психологии |
Methodology of teaching psychology |
Agepedagogy and psychology |
ВПиП Рубрикатор ПИП |
Custody, care, patronage in social and educational activities |
ӘЖБӨП Рубрикатор |
Theoretical and methodological basis of humane pedagogy |
ТМОГП Рубрикатор ПИП |
Pedagogy of higher education |
ЖМП Рубрикатор |
Inclusive Education |
Инклюзивті білім беру пәнінің қорытынды емтихан бағдарламасы |
Custody, care, patronage in social and educational activities |
әдіс.көм. сем. ӘЖҚБП 2023-24 |
Inclusive Education |
Учеб. мат. к сем. занятиям Инкл.обр. |
Socio-pedagogical Supervision and Imitation |
кр.сод. лек. |
Pedagogy of Physical Education and Sport |
Хисматуллина Л.Я. Педагогика школы (2) |
Technology of criterial estimation |
КБТ дәрістер жинағы |
Methodology of teaching psychology |
Methodology of teaching psychology |
Технология семинара в вузе |
Custody, care, patronage in social and educational activities |
Әдіст. көм. МӨЖ. ӘЖҚБП 2023-24 |
Inclusive Education |
ИББ пәнінің қор. емт. бағд. Нургалиева Д.А. |
Inclusive Education |
ИББ пәнінің қор. емт. бағд. Нургалиева Д.А. |
Inclusive Education |
ИББ пәнінің қор. емт. бағд. Нургалиева Д.А. |
Technology of criterial estimation |
Прак. сабақ сем. әдіст.нұсқау КБТ НДА 2023 |
Theory and Methods of Educational Work |
Pedagogy of Higher Education |
ЖМП емтихан сурактары Н.Д.А. |
Pedagogy of Physical Education and Sport |
окон.экз.воп. ФКС |
Methods of Teaching Self-cognition |
Blinova.V.L._.Blinova.Ju.L..Psihologicheskie.osnovy.samopoznaniya |
Pedagogy of higher education |
ЖМП. СИЛЛ. 2024-25 НДА күзгі |
Agepedagogy and psychology |
Экз вопросы по ВПиП |
Agepedagogy and psychology |
ВПиП силлабус НДА 2023-2024 |
Criteria-based assessment technologies |
Technology of criterial estimation |
әдістемелік нұсқаулық |
Mediation technologies in work of a social pedagogue |
медиат. технология |
Agepedagogy and psychology |
ВПиП СИЛЛ. НДА. 2022-23 |
Ethnopedagogics |
ЭТНО 3-4 дәріс |
Pedagogy of Higher education |
ЖМП. Силлабус Н.Д.А. 2023 |
Methodology of teaching psychology |
Методические рекомендации к семинарским занятиям |
Methodology of teaching psychology |
Methodology of teaching psychology |
Г.А.Касен Теория и методика |
Methodology of teaching psychology |
Кр. содер. лек. по МПП |
Concepts and theories of inclusive education |
Инк.тұж. Силлабус Н.Д.А. 22-23 |
Concepts and theories of inclusive education |
Инк.тұж. Силлабус Н.Д.А. 22-23 |
Concepts and theories of inclusive education |
Ғылыми ұғымдар |
Concepts and theories of inclusive education |
әдіс. көмек. ИНК |
Concepts and theories of inclusive education |
Инклюз. обр. Учебно-мет. карта |
Concepts and theories of inclusive education |
Инк.тұж. Силлабус Н.Д.А. 22-23 (2) |
Technology of criterial estimation |
КБТ емтихан сурактары Н.Д.А. |
Methodology of teaching psychology |
экз Про. методика преподавания психологии НДА 2021-2022 |
Practical Psychology |
Карта учебно-метод обеспеченности |
Concepts and theories of inclusive education |
Inclusive_education_2016_Movkebayeva |
Concepts and theories of inclusive education |
Назарова Н.М., Специальная педагогика |
Concepts and theories of inclusive education |
интр. мед.пособие |
Concepts and theories of inclusive education |
Concepts and theories of inclusive education |
8. Методические рекомендации по разработке требований |
New Standards and Curricula in Secondary School |
инстр. метод. 2021-2022 |
New Standards and Curricula in Secondary School |
IMP_rus_2022_2023_uch_god |
New Standards and Curricula in Secondary School |
ИМП на 2022-2023 учебный год |
New Standards and Curricula in Secondary School |
инст. ср.обр. РК |
New Standards and Curricula in Secondary School |
ГОСО_стандарты_образования |
New Standards and Curricula in Secondary School |
gpron-2020-2025 |
Methodology of teaching pedagogy |
Общая педагогика. Часть-1. Сластенин В.А, Исаев И.Ф, Шиянов Е.Н |
Pedagogy of higher education |
Практикалық сабақ семинар әдістемелік нұсқау ЖМП 2022 АБА |
Agepedagogy and psychology |
Методические рекомендации к семинарским занятиям |
Agepedagogy and psychology |
Педагогика и психология учебник |
Technology of criterial estimation |
Карта книгообес КБТ Н.Д.А. |
New Standards and Curricula in Secondary School |
мет. рекомендации |
New Standards and Curricula in Secondary School |
Cилл. Нов станд. 22-23 НДА |
Agepedagogy and psychology |
ВПиП СИЛЛ. НДА. 2022-23 |
Concepts and theories of inclusive education |
әдіс. көмек. ИНК |
Agepedagogy and psychology |
Методические рекомендации по срс ВПиП |
Agepedagogy and psychology |
ВПиП СИЛЛ. НДА. 2022-23 |
Concepts and theories of inclusive education |
инклю. тұж. және теор. емт.сұр. 2022-23 (1) |
Concepts and theories of inclusive education |
экз. воп. по курсу Кон.и Тео. ИНКЛЮ |
Custody, care, patronage in social and educational activities |
Әлеу. пед.қолд. емт. сұр. 2022-23 (1) |
Custody, care, patronage in social and educational activities |
СИЛЛ. Әлеу.пед.Қолдау. НДА 2022-23 |
Custody, care, patronage in social and educational activities |
әдіс.көм. семинар Әлеу.пед.НДА 2022-23 |
Custody, care, patronage in social and educational activities |
әлеу. пед.қолд. емтихан сұрақтары НДА 2022-23 |
New Standards and Curricula in Secondary School |
Мет. реком. срс по НС ГОСО в шк |
Concepts and theories of inclusive education |
Инк.тұж. емтихан сұрақтары (1) |
New Standards and Curricula in Secondary School |
Методические рекомендации по сем. |
New Standards and Curricula in Secondary School |
Нов.станд. Учебно-мет. карта |
Methods of Teaching Self-cognition |
оқудың 101 техникасы |
Methods of Teaching Self-cognition |
оқыту мен оқудың белсенді әдістері_Дадли |
Concepts and theories of inclusive education |
Сем.саб. Инкл. тұжырымд, 2022-2023 |
Concepts and theories of inclusive education |
Инк.тұж. емтихан сұрақтары |
Concepts and theories of inclusive education |
Инкл. тұж. қысқаша дәріс маз. |
Custody, care, patronage in social and educational activities |
Әлеу. пед.қолд. емт. сұр. 2022-23 |
New Standards and Curricula in Secondary School |
Новые стан. экз.воп. 2022-23 |
Agepedagogy and psychology |
ВПиП экз.вор. 2022-23 |
Theory and Methods of Educational Work |
Сластенин. Методика воспитательной работы(1) |
Concepts and theories of inclusive education |
инклю. тұж. және теор. емт.сұр. 2022-23 |
Pedagogy of Physical Education and Sport |
Бордовская_Педагогика |
Methodology of teaching pedagogy |
А.К.Мынбаева. Методика преподавания педагогки |
Pedagogy of Higher Education |
ЖМП емтихан сурактары Н.Д.А. |
Pedagogy of Higher Education |
ЖМП. Силлабус Н.Д.А. 2022-23 |
Pedagogy of Higher Education |
Практикалық сабақ семинар әдістемелік нұсқау ЖМП 2022 АБА |
Theory and Methods of Educational Work |
Cилл. ТиМВР. НДА. 2023 |
Practical Psychology |
Семинарские занятия по ПП |
Pedagogy of higher education |
ЖМП. Силлабус Н.Д.А. 2023 |
Pedagogy of higher education |
ЖМП емтихан сурактары Н.Д.А. |
Theory and Methods of Educational Work |
САДВАКАСОВА девят технология |
Technology of criterial estimation |
КБТ емтихан сурактары Н.Д.А. |
Technology of criterial estimation |
критериалды багалау лекция |
Custody, care, patronage in social and educational activities |
СИЛЛ. ӘЖБҚП 2023-24 |
Concepts and theories of inclusive education |
Razvitie_inklyuzivnogo_obrazovaniya_v_Kazahstane_i_za_rubezhom_2019_Baymenova |
Concepts and theories of inclusive education |
Инкл. тұжырым. МӨЖ 2022-2023 |
Training in Education |
А.Н.Панфилова. Учебник |
Agepedagogy and psychology |
И.И.Зимняя. учебник |
Concepts and theories of inclusive education |
Мовкебаева и др. Учебное пособие |
Concepts and theories of inclusive education |
Teoriya_i_praktika_inkyuzivnogo_obrazovaniya_2019_Zhubakova |
Agepedagogy and psychology |
Возрастная педагогика и психология |
Agepedagogy and psychology |
Иванушкина Н.В. Возрастная психологи |
Agepedagogy and psychology |
Методические рекомендации к семинарским занятиям |
Pedagogics |
Инновационные формы в вузе |
Technology of criterial estimation |
Блум-13 |
Technology of criterial estimation |
эссе курлымы |
Technology of criterial estimation |
СОӨЖ,СӨЖ әдістемелік нұсқау КБТ 202 НДА |
Technology of criterial estimation |
Technology of criterial estimation |
Ethnopedagogics |
Әдіст.нұсқаулық Этно |
Ethnopedagogics |
Этнопед.Силл. 2023 НДА |
Ethnopedagogics |
Прак. сабақ сем. әдіст.нұсқау ЭПНДА 2023 |
Ethnopedagogics |
Прак. сабақ сем. әдіст.нұсқау ЭПНДА 2023 |
Pedagogy of higher education |
Волкова-М.А.-Педагогика-высшей-школы |
Methodology of teaching pedagogy |
Губайдуллина Г. Н. Методика преподавания педагогики (1) |
Methodology of teaching pedagogy |
Активные методы и формы обучения. Учебник |
Methodology of teaching pedagogy |
Технология семинара в вузе |
Methodology of teaching pedagogy |
1 понятие МЕТОДИКА ПРЕПОДАВАНИЯ 21 (1) |
Theory and Methods of Educational Work |
Rudenko И. Теория и методика. Учебник |
Theory and Methods of Educational Work |
Мет. реком. по курсу ТиМВР |
Theory and Methods of Educational Work |
Кр.содер. лек ТиМВР 2023 |
Ethnopedagogics |
Этнопедагогика оқулығы |
Theory and Methods of Educational Work |
EsekeshovaMD_P |
Ethnopedagogics |
Айтджанова З.Ж. Этнопедагогика |
Ethnopedagogics |
kukushin_etnopedagogika |
Ethnopedagogics |
Этноп. дәріс жинағы |
Technology of criterial estimation |
Сабакты түсіну |
Technology of criterial estimation |
Ти¦мд¦ о__ыту ж__не о__у |
Technology of criterial estimation |
Активные методы и формы обучения. Учебник |
Theory and Methods of Educational Work |
Г.А.Касен Теория и методика |
Pedagogy of higher education |
Практикалық сабақ семинар әдістемелік нұсқау ЖМП 2022 АБА |
Theory and Methods of Educational Work |
Кн Соц Пед техн в Орг Образов |
Pedagogy of Higher Education |
Силл. ЖМП. жур. географ.23 |
Pedagogy of Higher education |
ЖМП. Сил. ТАРИХ. Н.Д.А. 2023 |
Pedagogics |
Силл. ПЕД. Н.Д.А. русс.отд. 2024-25 |
Pedagogics |
Ethnopedagogics |
ЭТНО 1-2 дәріс |
Technology of criterial estimation |
Бағ. 2 дәріс |
New Standards and Curricula in Secondary School |
Новые стан. экз.воп. 2022-23 (1) |
Ethnopedagogics |
Карта книгообес. ЭТНОПЕДАГОГИКИ |
Theory and Methods of Educational Work |
Гуманная педагогика Аманошвили |
Ethnopedagogics |
СОӨЖ,СӨЖ әдіст. нұсқ.ЭП НДА 2023 |
Pedagogy of Higher Education |
ЖМП емтихан сурактары Н.Д.А. |
The Study of Childhood |
Aryes_F_Rebenok_i_semeynaya_zhizn_pri_starom_poryadke |
Pedagogy of Higher education |
ЖМП. СИЛЛ. 2023-24 |
Ethnopedagogics |
ЭТНОПЕД. емт.бағд. НДА |
Pedagogy of Higher Education |
ЖМП емт.тап.формасы |
Theory and Methods of Educational Work |
ТиМВР экз.вор. 2023 |
Technology of criterial estimation |
КБТ емтихан сурактары |
Pedagogy of Higher Education |
ЖМП. Силл. нақты 2023-24 |
Practical Psychology |
презентация психологии развития |
Practical Psychology |
кр.содерж. лек.ПП |
Practical Psychology |
График СРС по Пр.психологии |
Training in Education |
И.А.Ральникова. Учебник |
Training in Education |
Пособие_психол-пед основы профилактикиКасенГА29 11-2012 |
Training in Education |
М. А. Реньш, Е. Г. Лопес Учебник |
Training in Education |
«Тренинги в образовании. КАРТА УМК |
Methodology of teaching pedagogy |
Methodology of teaching pedagogy |
Methodology of teaching pedagogy |
Pedagogy of Physical Education and Sport |
кр.сод. ПЕД |
Pedagogy of Physical Education and Sport |
Глоссарий |
Practical Psychology |
пр. психология обр. учебник |
Practical Psychology |
Малкина-Пых-И.-Г.-Экстремальные-ситуации |
Practical Psychology |
пр.психология. учебник |
Practical Psychology |
Учебное_пособие_Психокоррекция_и_психотерапия_2018_1_1 (1) |
Practical Psychology |
В.Р.Овчарова учебник |
Practical Psychology |
детская пр.психология учебник |
Mediation technologies in work of a social pedagogue |
Деятельность-социального-педагаога-в-школе |
Activities of social pedagogue in educational institutions |
Деятельность-социального-педагаога-в-школе |
Mediation technologies in work of a social pedagogue |
Азарнова-А.Н.-Медиация |
Custody, care, patronage in social and educational activities |
Қамтамасыз ету.картасы. ӘЖҰБП |
Methodology of teaching pedagogy |
Methodology of teaching pedagogy |
Methodology of teaching pedagogy |
Methodology of teaching pedagogy |
Methodology of teaching pedagogy |
Психология активных методов обучения лек [Автосохраненный] |
Methodology of teaching pedagogy |
Роль педагога в Обр процессе |
Methodology of teaching pedagogy |
Симуляционные технологии |
Methodology of teaching pedagogy |
Methodology of teaching pedagogy |
Methodology of teaching pedagogy |
Карта. обес. Мет.препод.педагогики |
Counseling in Education |
М.А.Мартынова учебник |
Technology of criterial estimation |
БАҒ. 3 д.ПИП |
Pedagogy of higher education |
ЖМП. Силл. нақты 2023-24 |
Technology of criterial estimation |
Урмашев Б.А. Критериалды бағалау технологиясы. оқулық |
Technology of criterial estimation |
БАҒ. 4-5 д. ПИП |
Ethnopedagogics |
ЭТНО 5 дәріс |
Agepedagogy and psychology |
Agepedagogy and psychology |
Экз вопросы по ВПиП |
Methods of Teaching Self-cognition |
Силл. ӨӨоқыту әдістемесі НДА. 23-24 |
Methods of Teaching Self-cognition |
учебн. пос метод преп самопозн в вузе пособие Аринова Б.А. 2016-17 |
Methodology of teaching pedagogy |
оқыту мен оқудың белсенді әдістері_Дадли |
Training in Education |
прогр. тренингов |
Training in Education |
Мет.рек. пров. сем. занятии |
Training in Education |
Methodology of teaching pedagogy |
Кр.содер.лек.МПП |
Methodology of teaching pedagogy |
Методические рекомендации по срс МПП |
Methodology of teaching pedagogy |
Силлабус МПП 2023-24 |
Methodology of teaching pedagogy |
экзамн. вопросы по курсу МПП |
Methodology of teaching pedagogy |
мет.реком. лаб.зан. |
Training in Education |
Экз.вопросы по курсу ТБ |
Training in Education |
Силлабус Тренинги в обр. 2023-24 |
Pedagogy of Higher Education |
ЖМП емтихан сурактары |
Theory and Methods of Educational Work |
Мет. рек. воспитательной работы 2023 |
Theory and Methods of Educational Work |
Мет. реком. срс по ТиМВР 2023 |
Pedagogy of Higher Education |
ЖМП. СИЛЛ. 2024-25 НДА күзгі |
Theory and Methods of Educational Work |
ТиМВР экз.вор. 2023 |
Methods of Teaching Self-cognition |
Психологи самопознании |
Custody, care, patronage in social and educational activities |
I_V_Yaroslavtseva_Psikhicheskaya_deprivatsia_v_det (1) |
Custody, care, patronage in social and educational activities |
балалар үлг.Заңы |
Custody, care, patronage in social and educational activities |
Пособие_психол-пед основы профилактикиКасенГА29 11-2012 |
Custody, care, patronage in social and educational activities |
Учебно-метод. пособие Пед.анимация (1) (1) |
Custody, care, patronage in social and educational activities |
Әдіст. көм. 1924-34жж. |
Pedagogics |
З.М.Садвакасова Дидактические средства обучения |
Pedagogy of Higher education |
Практикалық сабақ семинар әдістемелік нұсқау ЖМП |
Pedagogy of Higher education |
ЖМП емтихан сурактары Н.Д.А. |
Technology of criterial estimation |
форм бағалау Майк Гершон |
Pedagogy of higher education |
ЖМП емтихан сурактары |
Pedagogy of Higher education |
ЖМП. СИЛЛ. 2023-24 Д.А. |
Theoretical and methodological basis of humane pedagogy |
Кр.сод. лекции ГМ |
Theoretical and methodological basis of humane pedagogy |
Глоссарий дисциплины |
Theoretical and methodological basis of humane pedagogy |
Экз. воп. Тео-мет. осн.ГП |
Theoretical and methodological basis of humane pedagogy |
Авторитарная педагогика и гуманная педагогика |
Pedagogy of Higher education |
ЖМП емт.тап.формасы |
Theoretical and methodological basis of humane pedagogy |
П.Ш.Амонашвили.Гуманная педагогика |
Theoretical and methodological basis of humane pedagogy |
Theoretical and methodological basis of humane pedagogy |
Ш.А.-Амонашвили_Основы-ГП_книга_1 |
Theoretical and methodological basis of humane pedagogy |
Мет.раз. гум.пед |
Theoretical and methodological basis of humane pedagogy |
Гум.пед. учебник |
Theoretical and methodological basis of humane pedagogy |
Попов Б. Гуманистическая педагогика (1) |
Theoretical and methodological basis of humane pedagogy |
Гум.Пед. АмонашвилиША_2018 |
Theoretical and methodological basis of humane pedagogy |
manifest_rus |
Theoretical and methodological basis of humane pedagogy |
Мет.раз. гум.пед |
Custody, care, patronage in social and educational activities |
5 трамв, которые мешают быть собой |
Custody, care, patronage in social and educational activities |
Prikhozhan_Tolstykh_-_Psikhologia_sirotstva |
Custody, care, patronage in social and educational activities |
В помощь педагогу-психологу в работе с детьми детского дома (1) |
Socio-pedagogical Supervision and Imitation |
глоссарий |
Theoretical and methodological basis of humane pedagogy |
Pedagogy of Higher education |
ЖМП емт. сұр. 2023-24 |
Agepedagogy and psychology |
Экз вопросы по ВПиП |
Agepedagogy and psychology |
ВПиП экз.вор. 2023-24 |
Agepedagogy and psychology |
Кр.сод. лек. ВПиП |
Methodology of teaching pedagogy |
экз.воп. МПП 2023-24 |
Theoretical and methodological basis of humane pedagogy |
Карта Тео-мет.осн. ГП |
Custody, care, patronage in social and educational activities |
ӘЖҚБП қысқ.дәр.жинағы |
Custody, care, patronage in social and educational activities |
Емт. сұрағы ӘЖҚБП |
Theoretical and methodological basis of humane pedagogy |
Ізгілікпед. қыс.дәріс. |
Inclusive Education |
ПРОГР. итог. ИНКЛЮ.ОБР. летник |
Theoretical and methodological basis of humane pedagogy |
Амонашвили Ш.А., Искусство семейного воспитания |
Theoretical and methodological basis of humane pedagogy |
Осн.сов.гуманизма. Учебник |
Theoretical and methodological basis of humane pedagogy |
Кувакин В.А., Основы современного гуманизма |
Theoretical and methodological basis of humane pedagogy |
Theoretical and methodological basis of humane pedagogy |
Касымжанов А.Х. - Эпоха аль-Фараби и диалог цивилизаций (взгляды на жизнь и философское наследие)-КазНУ (2020) |
Pedagogy of Higher Education |
ЖМП қамт. карта |
Pedagogy of Higher Education |
ЖМП. Силлабус. Н.Д.А. 2023-24 |
Pedagogy of Higher Education |
Пр. семинар сабағы. ЖМП 2023-24 1 |
Criteria-based assessment technologies |
Pedagogy of Higher education |
Педагогика Таубаева Ш, Иманбаева С, Берикханова А (1) (1) |
Pedagogy of Higher education |
Карта книгообес ПВШ |
Pedagogy of Higher education |
Пр. семинар сабағы. ЖМП 2023-24 1 |
Pedagogy of Higher education |
ЖМП емтихан сурактары |
Pedagogy of higher education |
Силл ЖМП |
Pedagogy of Higher Education |
Силл ЖМП |
Pedagogy of Higher education |
Силл ЖМП |
Methodology of teaching pedagogy |
Cилл.МПП |
Theoretical and methodological basis of humane pedagogy |
Гум. Пед. қорытынды бақылау бағдарламасы 2023-24 |
Theoretical and methodological basis of humane pedagogy |
Гум. Пед. қорытынды бақылау бағдарламасы 2023-24 |
Inclusive Education |
ПРОГР. итог. ИНКЛЮ.ОБР. 2024-25 |
Inclusive Education |
Inclusive Education |
Учеб. мат. к сем. занятиям Инкл.обр. |
Theoretical and methodological basis of humane pedagogy |
ТМОГП Рубрикатор ПИП |
Theoretical and methodological basis of humane pedagogy |
ГПТӘН Рубрикатор |
Methodology of teaching pedagogy |
МПП Рубрикатор ПИП |
Agepedagogy and psychology |
ВПиП Рубрикатор ПИП |
Pedagogy of Higher Education |
ЖМП Рубрикатор |
Agepedagogy and psychology |
Силл. Воз.Пед.и Псих. |
Counseling in Education |
СИЛЛ. Конс. ПИП 3 курс 2023-24 Н.Д.А. |
Counseling in Education |
Итоговый экзамен консульт в образов (1) |
Counseling in Education |
Псих.консультация. учебник |
Counseling in Education |
Семинар. Консультирование в образов |
Counseling in Education |
СРС Консультирование в образовании |
Counseling in Education |
Лекция Консульт. в образов |
Counseling in Education |
Карта Консульт. в образов |
Counseling in Education |
МЕТ. по кон. обр |
Pedagogy of higher education |
Кр.сод.лекции |
Pedagogy of higher education |
Мынбаева А ПВШ |
Methodology of teaching pedagogy |
Mandel_Metodika-prepodavaniya-pedagogiki-v-sovremennom-vysshem-uchebnom-zavedenii.569931 |
Methodology of teaching pedagogy |
Criteria-based assessment technologies |
3_L2W1D1_Руководство по работе в группе_ |
Pedagogics |
Руководство СРМ Пед |
Pedagogy of higher education |
56487 ПВШ ахметова |
Pedagogy of higher education |
egorov.pedvissh |
Pedagogy of higher education |
ПВШ Andreev.V.I..Pedagogika._мед.рек. |
Pedagogy of higher education |
Шарипов. ПВШ учебник |
Pedagogy of higher education |
Карта УМОД ПВШ |
Pedagogy of higher education |
Силл. ПВШ Н.Д.А. русс.отд. |
Pedagogy of higher education |
Руководство СРМ ПВШ |
Pedagogy of higher education |
Силл. ПВШ Н.Д.А. русс.отд. |
Pedagogy of Higher Education |
Силлабус ЖМП 24 жж |
Pedagogy of higher education |
Учеб. мат. к сем. занятиям ПВШ |
Pedagogy of higher education |
Мет. по курсу ПВШ |
Pedagogy of Higher Education |
Семинар |
Pedagogy of Higher Education |
ЖМП Емтихан бағдарламасы көктемгі |
Pedagogy of Higher Education |
Учеб. мат. к сем. занятиям ПВШ |
Pedagogy of Higher Education |
Учеб. мат. к сем. занятиям ПВШ |
Pedagogy of Higher Education |
ПВШ экз. 2023-24 |
Pedagogy of Higher Education |
Силл. ПВШ Н.Д.А. русс.отд. |
Pedagogy of Higher Education |
Силл. ПВШ Н.Д.А. русс.отд. 2024-25 |
Theoretical and methodological basis of humane pedagogy |
Гум. Пед. қорытынды бақылау бағдарламасы 2023-24 |
Custody, care, patronage in social and educational activities |
Емт. сұрағы ӘЖҚБП |
Theoretical and methodological basis of humane pedagogy |
Pedagogy of Higher Education |
ЖМП емт. сұр. 2023-24 |
Pedagogy of higher education |
ЖМП емт. сұр. 2023-24 |
Theoretical and methodological basis of humane pedagogy |
Силл.ГПӘН 2023-24ж. |
Custody, care, patronage in social and educational activities |
Силл. ӘЖПҚП 2023-24ж. |
Pedagogy of Higher education |
ЖМП. СИЛЛ. 2023-24 Д.А. |
Pedagogy of higher education |
Учебные материалы к семинарским занятиям |
Criteria-based assessment technologies |
СИЛЛ. КБТ. НДА. ҚАЗ. 2024-25 |
Counseling in Education |
Программа итог.контр. КОН.В ОБР 2024 |
Custody, care, patronage in social and educational activities |
Программа итог.контр. КОН.В ОБР 2024 |
Pedagogy of Higher education |
ЖМП емтихан бағдарл.2024 |
Pedagogy of higher education |
ЖМП емтихан бағдарл.2024 |
Pedagogy of higher education |
Программа итогового контроля ПВШ 2024 |
Pedagogy of Higher Education |
Программа итогового контроля ПВШ 2024 |
Custody, care, patronage in social and educational activities |
ӘЖҚҚП емт.бағ. 2024 |
Counseling in Education |
Программа итог.контр. КОН.В ОБР 2024 |
Custody, care, patronage in social and educational activities |
Программа итогового контроля ССППП 2024 |
Pedagogy of Higher Education |
ЖМП емтихан бағдарл.2024 БР |
Pedagogy of Higher Education |
Pedagogy of Higher Education |
Мынбаева А ПВШ |
Pedagogy of Higher Education |
ЖМП. СИЛЛ. 2023-24 Д.А. |
Pedagogy of Higher Education |
Пр. семинар сабағы. ЖМП 2023-24 1 |
Pedagogy of higher education |
Мынбаева А ПВШ |
Pedagogy of Higher Education |
ЖМП. СИЛЛ. 2023-24 Д.А. |
Pedagogy of higher education |
Әдістемелік нұсқаулық |
Pedagogy of higher education |
ЖМП қысқ. дәріс жинағы 2023-24 |
Pedagogy of higher education |
ЖМП емт. сұр. 2023-24 |
Pedagogy of higher education |
56487 ПВШ ахметова |
Pedagogy of higher education |
ЖМП. СИЛЛ. 2023-24 Д.А. |
Pedagogy of higher education |
Pedagogy of higher education |
Пр. семинар сабағы. ЖМП 2023-24 1 |
Methodology of teaching pedagogy |
Секреты педагогического мастерства |
Practical Psychology |
СИЛЛ. Практ.психология НДА 2023-24 |
Practical Psychology |
Экз вопросы по ПП |
Pedagogy of higher education |
ЖМП. Силлабус. Н.Д.А. 2023-24 |
Custody, care, patronage in social and educational activities |
СИЛЛ. ӘЖБҚП 2023-24 |
Custody, care, patronage in social and educational activities |
СИЛЛ. ӘЖБҚП 2023-24 |
Pedagogy of Higher education |
ЖМП. СИЛЛ. 2023-24 Д.А. |
Pedagogy of Higher education |
Пр. семинар сабағы. ЖМП 2023-24 1 |
Pedagogy of higher education |
Mandel_ПВШ учебник |
Pedagogy of higher education |
учебные мат. к СЕМ ПВШ |
Pedagogy of higher education |
ПВШ экз. 2023-24 |
Pedagogy of Physical Education and Sport |
Pedagogy of Physical Education and Sport |
Inclusive Education |
5 трамв, которые мешают быть собой |
Inclusive Education |
Osnovy_inklyuzivnogo_obrazovaniya_2019_Tebenova |
Inclusive Education |
Razvitie_inklyuzivnogo_obrazovaniya_v_Kazahstane_i_za_rubezhom_2019_Baymenova |
Inclusive Education |
Мовкебаева и др. Учебное пособие |
Inclusive Education |
edinaya_ramka_monitoringa_inklyuzivnogo_obrazovaniya(1) |
Inclusive Education |
Об утверждении Правил психолого-педагогического сопровождения в организациях образования |
Inclusive Education |
правила оценки особых образовательнх потребностией |
Inclusive Education |
Психолого-педагогическое-сопровождение-детей-с-особыми-образовательными-потребностями-в-общеобразовательной-школе(12) |
Inclusive Education |
5 трамв, которые мешают быть собой |
Inclusive Education |
Inclusive_education_2016_Movkebayeva |
Inclusive Education |
Osnovy_inklyuzivnogo_obrazovaniya_2019_Tebenova |
Inclusive Education |
Razvitie_inklyuzivnogo_obrazovaniya_v_Kazahstane_i_za_rubezhom_2019_Baymenova |
Inclusive Education |
Teoriya_i_praktika_inkyuzivnogo_obrazovaniya_2019_Zhubakova |
Inclusive Education |
Мовкебаева и др. Учебное пособие |
Inclusive Education |
учебное пособие |
Inclusive Education |
edinaya_ramka_monitoringa_inklyuzivnogo_obrazovaniya(1) |
Inclusive Education |
Об утверждении Правил психолого-педагогического сопровождения в организациях образования |
Inclusive Education |
Психолого-педагогическое-сопровождение-детей-с-особыми-образовательными-потребностями-в-общеобразовательной-школе(12) |
Inclusive Education |
Инклюз. обр. Учебно-мет. карта |
Pedagogy of Physical Education and Sport |
Педагогика спорта |
Pedagogy of Physical Education and Sport |
Педагогика. Есекешова, Кочкарбаева |
Pedagogy of Physical Education and Sport |
Педагогика. Учебно-мет. карта |
Pedagogy of Physical Education and Sport |
Pedagogy of Physical Education and Sport |
Силл. ПЕД 2024 ЛЕТН. |
Pedagogy of Physical Education and Sport |
Pedagogy of Physical Education and Sport |
Учеб. мат. к сем. занятиям Пед. |
Inclusive Education |
ПРОГР. итог. ИНКЛЮ.ОБР. летник |
Inclusive Education |
Руководство СРМ ИНКЛ. ОБР. |
Pedagogy of Physical Education and Sport |
Руководство СРМ Пед. |
Inclusive Education |
Pedagogy of Higher Education |
56487 ПВШ ахметова |
Custody, care, patronage in social and educational activities |
Custody, care, patronage in social and educational activities |
психологиялық сөздік |
Agepedagogy and psychology |
ВПиП силл. НДА 2023-24 новый (Восстановлен) |
Agepedagogy and psychology |
Педагогическая психология_п.р. Регуш Л.А, Орловой А.В._2011 -416с.pdf5ef2d6e05f72b |
Pedagogics |
Силл. ПЕД. Н.Д.А. русс.отд. 2024-25 |
Pedagogy of Higher education |
Волкова-М.А.-Педагогика-высшей-школы |
Pedagogy of Higher education |
Мынбаева А ПВШ |
Pedagogy of Higher education |
Pedagogy of Higher education |
ЖМП. СИЛЛ. 2024-25 НДА күзгі |
Pedagogy of Higher education |
МОӨЖ,МӨЖ әдістемелік нұсқау ЖМП |
Pedagogy of Higher education |
ЖМП емтихан бағдарл.2024+25 НДА КҮЗГІ |
Pedagogy of Higher education |
ЖМП Рубрикатор |
Pedagogy of higher education |
Силл. ПВШ 2023-2024 Н.Д.А. рус.гр. |
Pedagogy of higher education |
Кр.сод.лекции 2 |
Pedagogy of higher education |
Силл. ПВШ Н.Д.А. русс.отд. |
Pedagogy of higher education |
Силл. ПВШ Н.Д.А. русс.отд. |
Counseling in Education |
СИЛЛ. Конс. ПИП 3 курс 2023-24 Н.Д.А. |
Custody, care, patronage in social and educational activities |
СИЛЛ. ӘЖБҚП 2023-24 |
Criteria-based assessment technologies |
Criteria-based assessment technologies |
4_L2W2D2_Руководство для начинающих работать в группе |
Socio-pedagogical Supervision and Imitation |
Силл. Супервизия 2024-25 Н.Д.А. |
Criteria-based assessment technologies |
Корытындылау стратегиялар |
Criteria-based assessment technologies |
Counseling in Education |
Custody, care, patronage in social and educational activities |
Pedagogy of Higher education |
ЖМП емтихан бағдарл.2024 БР |
Pedagogy of higher education |
ЖМП емтихан бағдарл.2024 БР |
Pedagogy of higher education |
Custody, care, patronage in social and educational activities |
ӘЖҚҚП емт.бағ. 2024 БР |
The Study of Childhood |
Scherbinin_P_P_Detskaya_povsednevnost_v_period_pervoy_mirovoy_voyny_1914-1918_gg |
The Study of Childhood |
Научные исследования проблем детства, воспитания, социализации_ актуальные аспекты, теоретические и методические основы. Сборник научных трудов. Том 2 |
Pedagogy of Higher Education |
ЖМП дәр. кон. Н.Д.А. 2024-25 |
Pedagogy of Higher Education |
Criteria-based assessment technologies |
Термины и опредения |
Criteria-based assessment technologies |
Итоговый экзамен ТКО 2024 |
Criteria-based assessment technologies |
Общие цели и методические рекомендации к выполнению СРС |
Criteria-based assessment technologies |
Criteria-based assessment technologies |
smart мақсат |
Criteria-based assessment technologies |
форм бағалау Майк Гершон |
Criteria-based assessment technologies |
Формативті бағалау технологиялары |
Criteria-based assessment technologies |
эссе курлымы |
Pedagogy of higher education |
ЖМП дәр. кон. Н.Д.А. 2024-25 |
Pedagogy of Higher education |
Әлқожаева Н.С. Оқулық |
Pedagogy of higher education |
Педагогика высш.школы. учебник |
Pedagogy of Higher education |
Педагогика высш.школы. учебник |
Pedagogy of Physical Education and Sport |
Pedagogy of Higher education |
Әдіс.нусқа ЖМП |
Pedagogy of Higher education |
ЖМП. СИЛЛ. 2023-24 |
Criteria-based assessment technologies |
Criteria-based assessment technologies |
Criteria-based assessment technologies |
1-2 ЛЕК КТО |
Socio-pedagogical Supervision and Imitation |
ПРОГРАММА итог.контр. 2024 |
Leadership and Management for Change in Education |
Ұйымдастыру - басқару функциясы |
Pedagogy of Higher education |
ЖМП дәр. кон. Н.Д.А. 2024-25 |
New standards and training programs |
Мет. реком. срс СТАНД. |
The work of the pedagogue and psychologist in small school |
Крат. сод. МКШ |
The work of the pedagogue and psychologist in small school |
Общ. цели и мет. рек. к вып. СРС МКШ |
New standards and training programs |
СИЛЛ. НОВ. СТАНД. 2024-25 |
New standards and training programs |
Методические рекомендации по сем. |
New standards and training programs |
кр.сод.лек.СТАНД. |
New standards and training programs |
The work of the pedagogue and psychologist in small school |
Мет. рек. по сем. МКШ |
Pedagogics |
Педагогика. Есекешова, Кочкарбаева |
Pedagogics |
ФИМП учебн |
Pedagogics |
крат.сод. лек.ПЕД |
Pedagogics |
Педагогика.Хмель |
Pedagogics |
Карта книгообес ПЕД |
Pedagogics |
мед. рек. к сем. зан. ПЕД |
Pedagogics |
Книга Садвакасова Секреты дидакт Презентация |
Inclusive Education |
Inclusive Education |
Pedagogy of Higher Education |
ЖМП емтихан бағдарл.2024-25 НДА КҮЗГІ |
Pedagogy of Higher Education |
ЖМП. СИЛЛ. 2024-25 НДА күзгі |
Leadership and Management for Change in Education |
ДОӨЖ,ДӨЖ әдістемелік нұсқау 2024-25 |
Leadership and Management for Change in Education |
ББӨүМпМ док. емт. бағ.2024-25 НДА КҮЗГІ |
Leadership and Management for Change in Education |
Leadership and Management for Change in Education |
Criteria-based assessment technologies |
Socio-pedagogical Supervision and Imitation |
ПРОГРАММА итог.контр. 2024 БР |
Criteria-based assessment technologies |
Pedagogy of higher education |
МОӨЖ,МӨЖ әдістемелік нұсқау ЖМП |
Pedagogy of higher education |
ЖМП емтихан бағдарл.2024-25 НДА КҮЗГІ |
Pedagogy of higher education |
Практикалық сабақ семинар әдіст. ЖМП |
Pedagogy of higher education |
Inclusive Education |
кр.содерж. лек. по курс инклю.обр. |
Inclusive Education |
Руководство СРМ ИНКЛ. ОБР. |
Inclusive Education |
СИЛЛ. ИНКЛ. ОБР. 2024-25 |
Inclusive Education |
Учеб. мат. к сем. занятиям Инкл.обр. |
Leadership and Management for Change in Education |
ББӨүМпМ док. емт. бағ.2024-25 НДА |
Pedagogy of Higher Education |
МОӨЖ,МӨЖ әдістемелік нұсқау ЖМП |
Pedagogy of Higher Education |
ЖМП емтихан бағдарл.2024+25 НДА КҮЗГІ |
Pedagogy of Higher Education |
Практикалық сабақ семинар әдіст. ЖМП |
Pedagogy of Higher education |
Практикалық сабақ семинар әдіст. ЖМП |
Inclusive Education |
ПРОГР. итог. ИНКЛЮ.ОБР. 2024-25 (1) |
Pedagogy of higher education |
МОӨЖ,МӨЖ әдістемелік нұсқау ЖМП |
Pedagogy of higher education |
Карта книгообес ПВШ |
Criteria-based assessment technologies |
КБТ 1-2 ДӘР |
Pedagogy of Higher education |
Әдіс.нусқа ЖМП |
New standards and training programs |
мет. рекомендации |
Leadership and Management for Change in Education |
СИЛЛ. ББӨү МпК докт. 2024-25 НДА |
Leadership and Management for Change in Education |
БӨК ДОК. қыс. дәр. |
Inclusive Education |
ПРОГР. итог. ИНКЛЮ.ОБР. 2024-25 |
The work of the pedagogue and psychologist in small school |
СИЛЛ. МКШ 2024-25 |
The work of the pedagogue and psychologist in small school |