Main / Philosophy and Political Science / Pedagogy and Educational Management / Нургалиева Долорес Абилдаевна

Нургалиева Долорес Абилдаевна

Position Ст.пpеподаватель
Pedagogy and Educational Management
First higher education
Educational institution Квалификация Expiration date
КазЖенПИ Высшее 1993
Academic degree
File name Headline Description
Theory and methods of educational work
Concepts and theories of inclusive education
Concepts and theories of inclusive education
Concepts and theories of inclusive education
Concepts and theories of inclusive education
Concepts and theories of inclusive education
Concepts and theories of inclusive education
Methods of Teaching Self-cognition
Agepedagogy and psychology
Theory and methods of educational work
Technology of criterial estimation
Technology of criterial estimation
Theory and methods of educational work
Technology of criterial estimation
Technology of criterial estimation
Technology of criterial estimation
Theory and methods of educational work
Theory and methods of educational work
Theoretical and methodological basis of humane pedagogy
Theoretical and methodological basis of humane pedagogy
Theoretical and methodological basis of humane pedagogy
Pedagogy of Physical Education and Sport
Theoretical and methodological basis of humane pedagogy
Theory and methods of educational work
Theoretical and methodological basis of humane pedagogy
Theoretical and methodological basis of humane pedagogy
Theoretical and methodological basis of humane pedagogy
Theoretical and methodological basis of humane pedagogy
Theoretical and methodological basis of humane pedagogy
Practical Psychology
Practical Psychology
Practical Psychology
Practical Psychology
Practical Psychology
Practical Psychology
Mediation technologies in work of a social pedagogue
Activities of social pedagogue in educational institutions
Pedagogy of higher education
Custody, care, patronage in social and educational activities
Custody, care, patronage in social and educational activities
Custody, care, patronage in social and educational activities
Custody, care, patronage in social and educational activities
Custody, care, patronage in social and educational activities
Custody, care, patronage in social and educational activities
Custody, care, patronage in social and educational activities
Pedagogy of higher education
Technology of criterial estimation
Methods of Teaching Self-cognition
Pedagogy of higher education
Mediation technologies in work of a social pedagogue
Custody, care, patronage in social and educational activities
Pedagogy of Higher education
Custody, care, patronage in social and educational activities
Custody, care, patronage in social and educational activities
Concepts and theories of inclusive education
Theoretical and methodological basis of humane pedagogy
Pedagogy of higher education
Concepts and theories of inclusive education
Concepts and theories of inclusive education
Custody, care, patronage in social and educational activities
Theoretical and methodological basis of humane pedagogy
Pedagogy of higher education
Agepedagogy and psychology
Custody, care, patronage in social and educational activities
Custody, care, patronage in social and educational activities
Pedagogy of higher education
Theoretical and methodological basis of humane pedagogy
Concepts and theories of inclusive education
Concepts and theories of inclusive education
Concepts and theories of inclusive education
Custody, care, patronage in social and educational activities
Concepts and theories of inclusive education
Inclusive education
Theoretical and methodological basis of humane pedagogy
Custody, care, patronage in social and educational activities
Technology of criterial estimation
Concepts and theories of inclusive education
Pedagogy of Higher education
Pedagogy of higher education
Theoretical and methodological basis of humane pedagogy
Theoretical and methodological basis of humane pedagogy
Custody, care, patronage in social and educational activities
Custody, care, patronage in social and educational activities
Concepts and theories of inclusive education
Pedagogy of higher education
Technology of criterial estimation
Technology of criterial estimation
Concepts and theories of inclusive education
Concepts and theories of inclusive education
Custody, care, patronage in social and educational activities
Theoretical and methodological basis of humane pedagogy
Theory and methods of educational work
Technology of criterial estimation
Technology of criterial estimation
Custody, care, patronage in social and educational activities
Concepts and theories of inclusive education
Concepts and theories of inclusive education
Theoretical and methodological basis of humane pedagogy
Pedagogy of Higher education
Concepts and theories of inclusive education
Technology of criterial estimation
Technology of criterial estimation
Mediation technologies in work of a social pedagogue
Concepts and theories of inclusive education
Technology of criterial estimation
Technology of criterial estimation
Pedagogy of Higher education
Theoretical and methodological basis of humane pedagogy
Custody, care, patronage in social and educational activities
Theory and methods of educational work
Theoretical and methodological basis of humane pedagogy
Concepts and theories of inclusive education
Custody, care, patronage in social and educational activities
Pedagogy of Higher education
Pedagogy of higher education
Concepts and theories of inclusive education
Custody, care, patronage in social and educational activities
Pedagogy of higher education
Concepts and theories of inclusive education
Pedagogy of higher education
Theoretical and methodological basis of humane pedagogy
Theoretical and methodological basis of humane pedagogy
Technology of criterial estimation
Theoretical and methodological basis of humane pedagogy
Pedagogy of higher education
Pedagogy of higher education
Counseling in education
Concepts and theories of inclusive education
Custody, care, patronage in social and educational activities
Custody, care, patronage in social and educational activities
Theoretical and methodological basis of humane pedagogy
Pedagogy of higher education
Theory and methods of educational work
Technology of criterial estimation
Pedagogy of Higher education
Counseling in education
Custody, care, patronage in social and educational activities
Custody, care, patronage in social and educational activities
Counseling in education
Custody, care, patronage in social and educational activities
Pedagogy of Higher education
Pedagogy of higher education
Pedagogy of higher education
Pedagogy of higher education
Custody, care, patronage in social and educational activities
Inclusive education
Inclusive education
Pedagogy of higher education
Pedagogy of Higher education
Pedagogy of higher education
Pedagogy of Higher education
Pedagogy of higher education
Pedagogy of higher education
Inclusive education
Inclusive education
Inclusive education
Technology of criterial estimation
Pedagogy of higher education
Custody, care, patronage in social and educational activities
Custody, care, patronage in social and educational activities
Custody, care, patronage in social and educational activities
Concepts and theories of inclusive education
Pedagogy of Higher education
Pedagogy of higher education
Pedagogy of higher education
Pedagogy of higher education
Pedagogy of higher education
Inclusive education
Pedagogy of higher education
Pedagogy of Higher education
Theoretical and methodological basis of humane pedagogy
Pedagogy of higher education
Pedagogy of higher education
Inclusive education
Pedagogy of Higher education
Technology of criterial estimation
Pedagogy of Higher education
Pedagogy of higher education
Pedagogy of higher education
Pedagogy of higher education
Technology of criterial estimation
Pedagogy of higher education
Inclusive education
Pedagogy of higher education
Inclusive education
Pedagogy of higher education
Technology of criterial estimation
Pedagogy of higher education
Training in Education
Pedagogy of higher education
Pedagogy of higher education
Pedagogy of Higher education
Pedagogy of higher education
Pedagogy of higher education
Inclusive education
Inclusive education
Inclusive education
Inclusive education
Inclusive education
Inclusive education
Inclusive education
Pedagogy of Higher education
Inclusive education
Technology of criterial estimation
Technology of criterial estimation
Technology of criterial estimation
Pedagogy of higher education
Pedagogy of higher education
Pedagogy of Higher education
Technology of criterial estimation
Pedagogy of higher education
Inclusive education
Pedagogy of higher education
Pedagogy of Higher education
Pedagogy of higher education
Pedagogy of Higher education
Pedagogy of Higher education
Pedagogy of higher education
Pedagogy of higher education
Pedagogy of Higher education
Pedagogy of Higher education
Pedagogy of higher education
Pedagogy of higher education
Pedagogy of higher education
Pedagogy of higher education
Pedagogy of Higher education
Pedagogy of higher education
Inclusive education
Inclusive education
Pedagogy of Higher education
Theoretical and methodological basis of humane pedagogy
Methods of Teaching Self-cognition
Pedagogy of Higher education
Pedagogy of Higher education
Pedagogy of higher education
Technology of criterial estimation
Technology of criterial estimation
Pedagogy of Higher education
Pedagogy of higher education
Pedagogy of higher education
Pedagogy of Higher education
Pedagogy of higher education
Pedagogy of Higher education
Pedagogy of higher education
Pedagogy of higher education
Pedagogy of higher education
Pedagogy of higher education
Pedagogy of Higher education
Pedagogy of higher education
Methods of Teaching Self-cognition
Methods of Teaching Self-cognition
Pedagogy of Higher education
Pedagogy of Higher education
Inclusive education
Pedagogy of higher education
Inclusive education
Inclusive education
Inclusive education
Pedagogy of Higher education
Methodology of teaching pedagogy
Pedagogy of higher education
Pedagogy of Higher education
Methods of Teaching Self-cognition
Methodology of teaching pedagogy
Inclusive education
Agepedagogy and psychology
Agepedagogy and psychology
Pedagogy of higher education
Pedagogy of higher education
Pedagogy of higher education
Pedagogy of higher education
Methodology of teaching psychology
Pedagogy of higher education
Methodology of teaching psychology
Pedagogy of Physical Education and Sport
Training in Education
Training in Education
Training in Education
Inclusive education
Inclusive education
Agepedagogy and psychology
Inclusive education
New Standards and Curricula in Secondary School
New Standards and Curricula in Secondary School
New Standards and Curricula in Secondary School
New Standards and Curricula in Secondary School
New Standards and Curricula in Secondary School
Methodology of teaching pedagogy
Counseling in education
Pedagogy of higher education
Inclusive education
Inclusive education
Theory and methods of educational work
Counseling in education
Agepedagogy and psychology
Pedagogy of Physical Education and Sport
Pedagogy of Physical Education and Sport
Pedagogy of Physical Education and Sport
Methodology of teaching pedagogy
Pedagogy of higher education
Pedagogy of higher education
Pedagogy of higher education
Training in Education
Pedagogy of higher education
Methodology of teaching pedagogy
Methodology of teaching pedagogy
Agepedagogy and psychology
Methodology of teaching pedagogy
Training in Education
Methodology of teaching pedagogy
Agepedagogy and psychology
Theory and methods of educational work
Pedagogy of higher education
Counseling in education
Methodology of teaching psychology
Training in Education
Pedagogy of higher education
Pedagogy of higher education
Agepedagogy and psychology
Theoretical and methodological basis of humane pedagogy
Theoretical and methodological basis of humane pedagogy
Methodology of teaching pedagogy
Agepedagogy and psychology
Practical Psychology
Agepedagogy and psychology
New Standards and Curricula in Secondary School
Pedagogy of Physical Education and Sport
Agepedagogy and psychology
Pedagogy of higher education
Pedagogy of higher education
Inclusive education
Pedagogy of higher education
Counseling in education
Methodology of teaching psychology
Training in Education
Methodology of teaching pedagogy
Pedagogy of Physical Education and Sport
Inclusive education
Agepedagogy and psychology
New Standards and Curricula in Secondary School
New Standards and Curricula in Secondary School
Training in Education
Practical Psychology
Counseling in education
Methodology of teaching psychology
Pedagogy of higher education
Methodology of teaching psychology
Methodology of teaching pedagogy
Inclusive education
Methodology of teaching psychology
Pedagogy of higher education
Theory and methods of educational work
Methodology of teaching pedagogy
Pedagogy of higher education
Counseling in education
Pedagogy of higher education
Methodology of teaching psychology
Pedagogy of Physical Education and Sport
Methodology of teaching psychology
Methodology of teaching pedagogy
Methodology of teaching pedagogy
Training in Education
Training in Education
Methodology of teaching psychology
Methodology of teaching psychology
Agepedagogy and psychology
Agepedagogy and psychology
Inclusive education
Agepedagogy and psychology
Practical Psychology
Inclusive education
Methodology of teaching psychology
Methodology of teaching psychology
Methodology of teaching psychology
Methodology of teaching psychology
New Standards and Curricula in Secondary School
Pedagogy of higher education
Pedagogy of higher education
New Standards and Curricula in Secondary School
Training in Education
Pedagogy of higher education
Theory and methods of educational work
Pedagogy of higher education
Pedagogy of Physical Education and Sport
Counseling in education
Methodology of teaching psychology
Methodology of teaching pedagogy
Inclusive education
Agepedagogy and psychology
Training in Education
Practical Psychology
Pedagogy of Physical Education and Sport
Inclusive education
Counseling in education
Pedagogy of higher education
Pedagogy of higher education
Inclusive education
Methodology of teaching pedagogy
Agepedagogy and psychology
Methodology of teaching pedagogy
Methodology of teaching pedagogy
Methodology of teaching pedagogy
Methodology of teaching pedagogy
Methodology of teaching pedagogy
Methodology of teaching pedagogy
Methodology of teaching pedagogy
Methodology of teaching pedagogy
Methodology of teaching pedagogy
Methodology of teaching pedagogy
Methodology of teaching pedagogy
Practical Psychology
Methodology of teaching psychology
Pedagogy of higher education
Theoretical and methodological basis of humane pedagogy
Training in Education
Pedagogy of higher education
Agepedagogy and psychology
New Standards and Curricula in Secondary School
Inclusive education
Training in Education
Methodology of teaching pedagogy
Pedagogy of Physical Education and Sport
Theory and methods of educational work
Counseling in education
Methodology of teaching psychology
Theoretical and methodological basis of humane pedagogy
Methodology of teaching pedagogy
Agepedagogy and psychology
Practical Psychology
Theory and methods of educational work
Methodology of teaching psychology
Methodology of teaching psychology
Counseling in education
Inclusive education
Pedagogy of higher education
New Standards and Curricula in Secondary School
Agepedagogy and psychology
Training in Education
Methodology of teaching pedagogy
Methodology of teaching pedagogy
Agepedagogy and psychology
Agepedagogy and psychology
Concepts and theories of inclusive education
New Standards and Curricula in Secondary School
Practical Psychology
Custody, care, patronage in social and educational activities
Pedagogy of higher education
Methodology of teaching pedagogy
Agepedagogy and psychology
Agepedagogy and psychology
Agepedagogy and psychology
Pedagogy of higher education
Agepedagogy and psychology
Theoretical and methodological basis of humane pedagogy
Pedagogy of Physical Education and Sport


Нургалиева Долорес Абилдаевна CONTEMPORARY KAZAKH PROVERB RESEARCH Digital, Cognitive, Literary, and Ecological Approaches Academic Publishers 2023 - г. ISBN issn 1528-6533 18 - стр.




Нургалиева Долорес Абилдаевна Development of communication skills of older preschool children through information technology 2022 - г. 12 - стр. 17


Нургалиева Долорес Абилдаевна Integrative approach to the quality of preschool education in the development of the creative potential of preschool children 2022 - г. 6 - стр. 14


Нургалиева Долорес Абилдаевна Evaluation of University Students’ Views on the Gamified Classroom Model 2022 - г. 12 - стр. 16




Нургалиева Долорес Абилдаевна Роль Ауданбека Кубесова в раскрытии педагогического наследия аль-Фараби 2022 - г. 26 - стр. МЦНП «Новая наука»
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